
29.02.16 + Magical Lantern Festival

By Unknown - February 29, 2016

Hey people, happy Monday, happy leap year, I have not posted on a Monday in awhile, so I had a look at my calendar and its not just the last day of February which has literally flown by so quickly, but its also the 29th day of feb. (the leap year blog post) the joy of posting on a leap year is real (don't I sound very cliché already, lol). I wasn't sure what I was going to post today tbh but I thought I would do a quick weekend rant and let my brain boot in the process, hahaha (#singing# its my blog and I will do what I want to... (its that song from the problem child)).  Erhmmm let me gist you about my weekend first then get on to the main blog post for today, so first off, I had a long tiring week all through last week, I have been trying to create outfit for my Etsy shop for my spring/summer/vacation look book and been up till 2/3am most days because I had planned my photo shoot for Saturday morning and I just wasn't ready to change the date, I also had tickets to attend the magical lantern festival in London on the same Saturday, so all this put together made me a very tired lady!

I had my photo shoot done on Saturday morning by 8am in the interestingly cold weather ( let me use this moment to appreciate the wonderful friends I have in my life ( I know I have said this before and might begin to sound like a broken record, but really, who wakes up before 8am on a Saturday to take pictures for someone else for free (just to add) the answer is friends, am glad to have them in my life for real, and thanks to my friend and photographer for been the best ever, as soon as the pix are ready, I will be posting it).

As soon as my pix taking was over I ran off to the train station to catch my train just in time and then my weekend began, so the magical festival ticket was booked by 8pm ish and we had an interesting time wandering about taking some breath-taking pix, the lantern festival is something to do with the Chinese new year, its a mix of life sized animals and plants with light installations, the idea is absolutely beautiful, see some pictures below ( the things that fascinate me dou, bestie knows me too well).



this picture was taken from my phone and doesn't seem like its done the pix justice. anyways, we also had plans to go clubbing in London but you know how the body works when its tired and cant do nothing, that's it. so, we got back to our hotel, I was well tired and decided to take a 2hrs nap before going off to the club at midnight, hehehe, that was a cute error because as soon as by back hit the bed, dang!!! it was sleep till 4am and that's how my Saturday went. I was back in Manchester by midnight on Sunday, because I spent the whole of Sunday sleeping like a log, back on the grind on Monday.

So enough of the ranting and back to the main blogpost for today, erhmmm it is nothing really, lets face it, after all this epistle, I guess you must be tired of reading this post already, that's if you even bothered to read till the end, lol. I know you didn't or you just skimmed through the lines for the interesting bits, lol, but it fine. thanks for reading.

Hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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Stay Blessed

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  1. Great round up beautiful. I love the bright and colorful Vegas pics. You must have had great fun there. I think I'm overdue for a return to Vegas myself.



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