
Stay Young Part 2 (Worry less and Exercise)

By Unknown - February 24, 2016

My throw back i cant be bothered pose
In my last talk post, I wrote about staying young and been thankful, if you missed it, dont worry your pretty head, I am always here for you, just head over to the link here, get up to speed, then come back and lets get today's gist started.

So today's post is a continuation of my last post and I'll be talking about 2 of 10 ways to get into the life of staying young and been thankful, so lets get right into it people and oh, I also have some inspiring quotes as well, my love for the quote life dou.!

1.  Worry/stress less:

we get ourselves worked up with things we have little or no control over and as far as I know and can remember, worrying doesn't fix anything,

But really dou, lets critically analyse this worry of a thing, worrying is just human, we basically worry about everything;
we worry about what to wear to work even before its morning, we worry about what meal we should have during the day that wont make us put on weight,
we worry about paying bills for the month or next couple of months
we worry about our health at the sight of a small cough of cold
we worry about what to wear to that friend's party that will make you really stand out,
we worry about how we look in front of people and if they will accept us,
we worry about that job interview we went for and if they will offer us the job,
we worry about the significant other we are dating or married to and if they actually love us as much as we do them
we worry about pregnancy scare, when you were wide awake doing the do
we worry about having a family when we eventually tie the knot
we worry about our baby's health as soon as the skip a meal or aren't smiling or even crying like they were yesterday, like really we worry about the smallest thing possible even the air we breath.

Is it actually possible not to worry as  humans? well, except you have robot tendencies #justsaying, and really, its easy to say to someone, don't worry, everything will be fine but its not the easiest thing to do, because your mind keeps going back and forth trying to see how to get things fixed quickly which in reality gets us more worked up than we really should be.

that's clearly why the bible said
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matt 6:34 (this place always just speaks to me).

Worrying increases anxiety, it sometimes produces results like high blood pressure, depression, suicide and other health related issues which just doesn't just help, so, in my tiny head (irony) I have developed a quick fit that works for me;

quick fix;  getting your mind and tuning it to the fact that, nothing can ever be that serious, if you cant do anything about it, then don't stress over it, just take it one day at a time and always pray about it, I cant even begin to stress the importance of praying about a situation, I find that if God does not fix the fault, He always gives me the grace, strength and peace to see it through. See what the bible also said here (“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11), so people just chill

2. Exercise often (mentally and spiritually):

a wise man once said, a little exercise a day keeps the doctor away (sounds like something I coined from something else, lol, but you get my drift)
physical exercise without a doubt has a lot of health benefit, you will be more stronger, healthier with less health issues and lets face it, the moment you get into physical exercise it somehow also affects your diet and lifestyle, *beatthat, so get exercising people, you have everything to gain but nothing to loose but slow down when you are overdoing it.

Do physical exercise atleast 3times a week, go for a walk, run, jog, dance anything that makes you physically active and also eat healthy, your future self would thank you for it.

For spiritual exercise, the is constantly staying in the place of prayer, meditation and studying God's word, it doesn't have to be a 1 hour long prayer, a simple thank you Jesus goes along way, but also make time for longer prayers, your whole life would thank you.

Its not very easy to do this things because lets face it, the moment you say I want to start exercising and praying every morning, *dang, the way your to do list will start growing in the morning ehnnn even you self will be wonderfully amazed ( this is some real self expression ahahahaha) I am a witness to this.

So when this year started, come and see me and jinger ( its a Nigerian colloquialism for been motivated), I bought this dance workout CD, so I pray 30mins and workout 30mins in the morning before work, I struggled on this for 3weeks, phewwww it wasn't the easiest things possible and fourth week came my prayer reduced to 10mins and exercise to 15mins, and after sometime, it disappeared, lol, so I have devised a strategy since I know its not so easy for me to do this morning routine, I now walk to work, atleast 3times a week (erhmm I don't mean 10mins or 30mins walk oh, I mean 50mins walk in the morning in the cold and 6flight of stairs to get to my work desk and I listen to worship songs and pray all the way through and back from work as well so I get a good 2hours of walk for the days I walk (the sweat level in the cold makes me feel a sense of achievement))

but you really do have to exercise your self spiritually and physically the benefit is beyond words. one bible verse that motivates me on this one is  Isaiah 40:29-31“He gives power to the faint, abundant strength to the weak. Though young men faint and grow weary, and youths stagger and fall, they that hope in the LORD will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles’ wings; They will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.”

Hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing the post.
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Stay Blessed

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