
Let's talk: Stay thankful and young + Favourite quote

By Unknown - February 11, 2016

Hey people, happy new month, as this is my first post this month and I haven't posted in such a long time, I thought to quickly drop the post before its midnight and I wish myself a happy birthday.

From the tittle of this post, you might have guessed what am going to be writing about but before I dive into it, I just to want to mention that, I am a year younger and wiser tomorrow (12th feb), every year added to my life is such a blessing, because sometimes, when I look back at my life and how far I have come, what I have achieved( I am not where I use to be, atleast as at this time last year, thankfully) am thankful to God for. Like really every birthday is like stock taking and there is always a lot of changes and improvement from the previous year to the next year and I cant be more grateful.

So I was going through a post by Chynanu, when I read this, I was excited to do this post. It just lined up with all the thoughts going on in my head and am like, time to put this in writing.

Most times, we look at how old we are getting and how we haven't achieved as much as we want to (let me dive into this a bit, I was chatting with two of my friends at different times on their birthday and they both said the same kind of thing that left me in shock. So I was like how excited do you feel to be a year older today and they were like, this is not what I wanted on my birthday, when I was younger, I always hoped that by the time am this age, that I would celebrate this day with my family, (husband and kids) I don't even have a boyfriend let alone been married with kids and I am not working in my career path or doing what I love to do, am really managing this job at this age).

I somehow giggled and I said to them, I thought you would appreciate the life you have first? atleast you have a life and a job that is currently paying the bills, some people would love to live the life you currently live. I thought about it later and am like, there are people in hospitals begging God for one more day to live, I have found myself in situations where I literally had to pray and was like, God if you bring me out of this alive, I would forever give you praise, and people get older and are unhappy? Phewwww, that's hard. Now don't get me wrong, we always have this thoughts come into our heads every now and then, you are not where you want to be or doing what you want to do or living the life you want to live, calm down dear, its not that much of a biggie, just chill and really live in the moment and really live young.

Looking back at what my friends said, I wont judge them but would like to say that I have lived on both sides of the rope. Truth be told, when I was in my early twenties I was like by the time am 25, I want to be celebrating my birthday with my family, its not happened and am not upset/disappointed at all, sometimes I am just honestly happier that I wasn't even married at that age, I would have been an emotional wreck by now, no jokes. No disrespect to people that married early, we all have different lives, its no competition at all. Truly, I am quite happy with where I am, by myself and with my bestie of course, and doing what I love to do (both in career and business) and when I need to do it and staying young as well.

Isn't it funny that people want to be old before its even time, I remember my former work colleague in his sixties tell me, do all you would love to do now, don't rush into anything now because anyone else is doing it, be young because when life happens, all you would look back at are the memories you created when you were younger, literally enjoy every moment, stay happy and be young.

These quotes sums it all up

Thanks for reading,

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Stay Blessed

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  1. i just follow your blog.   nice work.


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