
29.02.16 + Magical Lantern Festival

By Unknown - February 29, 2016
Hey people, happy Monday, happy leap year, I have not posted on a Monday in awhile, so I had a look at my calendar and its not just the last day of February which has literally flown by so quickly, but its also the 29th day of feb. (the leap year blog post) the joy of posting on a leap year is real...

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Stay Young Part 2 (Worry less and Exercise)

By Unknown - February 24, 2016
My throw back i cant be bothered pose In my last talk post, I wrote about staying young and been thankful, if you missed it, dont worry your pretty head, I am always here for you, just head over to the link here, get up to speed, then come back and lets get today's gist started. So today's post is a continuation of my last post and I'll be talking...

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Stripped Jacket: One Jacket, two ways to style it

By Unknown - February 16, 2016
Hey people, outfit for today is the gorg jacket from m.a.dkollection which i actually wore to church on valentine's day with my red accessories to compliment the outfit, I totally love this jacket and how you can throw different things underneath it to make it come look chic. Outfit 1: So I styled this stripped jacket with a white shirt (this is actually...

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