
Weekend 10km Race4Life + Motivational Wall

By Unknown - June 29, 2015
Hey everyone, hope you had a great weekend like I did? So I took part in the 10k race for life in Milton Keynes, I registered for the Manchester Marathon last year but had cold feet on the day and ended up not going ( i just thought it was too much for me, I was doing the race on my own and...

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Wedding Guest: Oleku Ankara / Iro and Buba Mixed Print

By Unknown - June 27, 2015
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King Jr. Hey everyone, this is kinda like a late post, been well busy with life... So it was my colleague turn friend's traditional wedding 2 weeks back and I decided to make something to wear, I kinda always look for an excuse to sew something, well,...

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Bringing Back the 90's

By Unknown - June 25, 2015
“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” Anonymous Outfit Details Cami: Gifted Dungarees: Select Clothing Shoes: Gifted (Timberland) Stay Blessed x ...

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