
My top 30 things to do before you turn 30

By Unknown - August 04, 2016

Hey people, its another Travel Thursday post today, am trying to see how well i can keep up with my Thursday post, cos i have loads of these type of post in my draft.

Ohkay, sooo, I have secretly had this list stored somewhere and I have managed to do a bit of  it and quietly ticked them off but I decided its about time I shared this post.

First of all, 30 is not a long way ahead for me anymore, but am kinda determined to tick as much off as possible befor I get there, or maybe I should have started this like 5 years ago, well, its not too late so lets see how much I can get off.

I will try and blog about it when am ticking off this list, if I can and update this list. If you have any more suggestions (easier suggestions) you can leave a comment.

  1. Travel alone. (Done, went to Germany on my own some years back, however would still want to do this again, pretty soon, no blog post)
  2. Learn a new language.
  3. Discover a tradition you never knew existed.
  4. Sail/ go on a cruise.
  5. Go zip lining.
  6. Go to a music festival. ( done, went to parklife festival)
  7. Get on a jet ski.
  8. Follow your dreams (done and still doing, So I have always wanted to work in IT and do fashion designing, well.... at the moment am doing them hand in hand, working as an IT business analyst  full time and fashion designing almost full time, and i have an online shop where all the outfits are designed and made by me from start to finish, yassss (so many people have asked if i make them myself ) and am loving every bit of it (please dont ask me how i combine them, cos the answer is simply, the Lord is my strength).
  9. Splurge on a once-in-a-lifetime meal at one of the world’s best restaurants. ( done had a meal in one of them top 5 restaurants in Vegas, blogpost here, but no restaurant mentioned BTW, cant remember the restaurant name, we had too much lifetime meal splurge. loool)
  10. Present at a fashion show.
  11. Run a half marathon
  12. Pilot an aircraft (Yasssss, Done. I went flight, check it out here)
  13. Own a brand (yassss, i have a clothing line, that sells on etsy, go check it out here)
  14. Get in a mud fight
  15. Swim under a waterfall
  16. Do something career related that really scares you ( in my case launch a fashion brand party)
  17. Visit 30 countries before 30 (I have travelled to Ghana, Benin Republic, France, Germany (twice), Portugal, Nothern Ireland (Belfast), Spain (Barcelona) (Ibiza), Italy (Panarea), USA (Vegas), Switzerland (Geneva), Netherlands, (Amsterdam (twice), Slovenia, Denmark (Copenhagen)  (12 countries, 18 more to go.! dunno if to add Nigeria (Lagos), England and Scotland to make it 15 and 15 more to go, ahahahah, cheating tinz), click on each of them so see my blog post.
  18. Test drive your dream car.
  19. Stay up all night partying in a big city like Los Angeles, Tokyo, or London. ( Done, done this in London several times hence no blogpost)
  20. Go bungee jumping or skydiving — really, anything that involves heights and massive amounts of adrenaline
  21. Travel somewhere truly exotic — anywhere that feels like the end of the earth (Done, I went to Las Vegas last Christmas, and that to me, was truly exotic, but if I manage to go to some place like Maldives or the Bahamas, then I can kick Vegas outta this list, in the meantime, you can catch up here)
  22. Throw yourself a huge birthday party (Almost Don, did this on my 23rd birthday, but hoping to do something bigger on my 30th ).
  23. Climb a mountain (it doesn’t have to be Mt. Everest).
  24. Go scuba diving — or at least try snorkelling. (yasssss, Done, I went scuba diving in Slovenia, check out the blogpost here)
  25. Visit At Least One Of The “7 Wonders Of The World” ( i visited the 8th wonder of the world, this was the giant curseway in 
  26. Take a Big Road Trip before You Turn 30
  27. See a Broadway Show before You Turn 30
  28. Watch the sunset on a plane
  29. Get Up Early Enough To Watch The Sun Rise (yassss, done, watch the sunrise on my hotel balcony when I went to panarea in Italy, the memories in this place dou, priceless, you can catch up here)
  30. Get in the best shape of your life (orhboi, this is such a challenge for a foodie like me).

  31. Go Parasailing
  32. go paragliding
  33. Go water skating
  34. Hot air ballon
thanks for stopping by people, dont forget to comment, like, share. 

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Stay Blessed

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  1. That's a great list!
    Alexandra ~ ArtMandy

  2. Always wanted to go to one of those huuuge pool parties in Vegas, this dream of mine will probably be on my to-do list for quite some time before actually going ahead and making something of it.
    I enjoyed reading this post.x


    1. thanks Esther, am also hoping to go to a Vega pool party, it was quite cold last i visited, so might be back one of this summers.!

  3. OMG, you have been to soooo many countries. My close friends and I have challenged ourselves to visit 30 countries by the age of 30, I've only been to 8, you've been to 15 already, wow, I can't wait to explore. This is my first time on your Blog and I love what I've seen soooo far :D We have quite a few goals/desires in common, I love how adventurous you are ;)


    1. thanks much Tuke, good to know we sheare the same goals, checked out your blog as well, its such a good read.!


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