
2014 RECAP: Top 14 Looks

By Unknown - December 31, 2014
I started out this blog in  August 2014 to showcase different fashion trends as I have been inspired my many fashion bloggers and youtubers, I also wanted a platform where I could showcase my DIY skills. 2014 has been an eventful year with so many things to be thankful for, my family, friends, jobs, I cant begin to mention all of it. As...

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OOTN: Orange Poncho + Black Trouser

By Unknown - December 06, 2014
Worrying is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere. V.Wilder. Trouser, Poncho, Turtle neck: Primark Shoes: New Look Bag: Gifted. ...

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Winter Casual: Fur Coat + Thigh High Boot

By Unknown - December 04, 2014
The real art of a conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. unknown. Credits to the photo taker: http://kelechimezieobi.blogspot.co.uk/ Its that time of the year again where, wearing layers of cloths is a 'must'. I usually don't look forward to, but i don't mind so much either because you don't need alot of effort...

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