I and my friends planned a "ladies Saturday outing" to go to Lake District for a boat cruise, but trust the British weather to mess up your plans sometimes (we would av still gone, but some other circumstance beyond our control came up) but anyways, we decided to stay back at one of our houses and just chilled, but before this, i thought to sew a short i could wear for the...

The weather seems to be getting a bit better, with a bit of sunshine here and there, i decided to pull out my summer box to see the content (like i always do every summer) and I came across this two lovely dresses, i got them about three years ago( yes i know.! they still fit) with my excess weight gain recently, i am quite...

Its weekend again! oh how i love weekends (*singing), I have always wanted to go to a waterpark, simply because am kinda water obsessed ( i seem to have a lot of obsessions, ahahaha) and i love the idea and mix of the rides(not the overly hyper ones dou!) and the water combination. So I went out to the sandcastle water parks in Blackpool...
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